Kate Bahen from Charity Intelligence

Kate Bahen from Charity Intelligence

Kate Bahen and Charity Intelligence have direct financial ties to the Conservative Party which were never disclosed. Bahen used her uninformed and baseless attacks on WE Charity to boost her own profile and pad Charity Intelligence’s finances.

Kate Bahen is a self-appointed watchdog of the charitable sector in Canada, despite having no credentials for this role. Kate Bahen, and her colleague Greg Thomson, have regularly made false and misleading statements about charities in Canada in their desire to receive media coverage. Despite employing only three full-time staff, none of whom are CPAs, Charity Intelligence issues annual ratings of charities, including giving them a grade on their financial transparency. Between 2014 and 2020, Charity Intelligence had consistently given WE Charity an overall grade of “A”, and did so as recently as 6 months before the CSSG was announced in June 2020. Soon after the CSSG controversy began, the rating was quickly downgraded. Kate Bahen used the media coverage during this period to increase her notoriety and raise money for her own organization, having four times the cash reserves on hand following the attacks on WE Charity.

During this time, Kate Bahen was regularly in line with Conservatives in their talking points attacking WE Charity in Canada. She failed to disclose that she was a regular donor to the Conservative Party of Canada and her Board Chair Graeme Hepburn has donated over $44,000 to the Conservative Party as well as hosting fundraisers for Conservative leaders at his home. Graeme Hepburn’s wife, Claudia, has also donated $24,000 to the Conservative Party and is the former Director of right-wing think tank Fraser Institute.

Kate Bahen is not a Certified Public Accountant and has no evident professional training in accounting that would qualify her to make such assertions and conclusions. Her assessments were directly refuted and proven false by multiple lawyers, tax experts and forensic auditors. Kate Bahen also has a history of making false and inflammatory comments about charities. In May 2019, she was forced to formally apologize for false and misleading statements she made about the True North Foundation – the charitable arm of the Winnipeg Jets hockey team.

What you should know

Kate Bahen from Charity Intelligence

Charity Intelligence’s board and staff have direct and indirect ties to the Conservative Party of Canada, making significant donations to the party and its candidates.

Has a history of making false claims about charities, including statements about the Winnipeg Jets’ charitable foundation (True North Foundation).

In 2019, just before the CSSG, she and Charity Intelligence gave WE Charity an overall grade of “A” and then it was quickly downgraded to suit her political narrative.

Suggested Watching
Kate Bahen from Charity Intelligence uses questionable tactics while operating a non-profit.

Charity Intelligence and Kate Bahen: Players, not Watchdog

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Charity Intelligence’s Campaign to Cleanse Negative Reporting

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Charity Intelligence Canada issues apology to the True North Youth Foundation

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Charity watchdog loses its own charitable status

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Charity Intelligence: Transparent on Transparency?

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Calgary Flames Foundation disputes claims made by charity watchdog about donation destinations

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Liberal MPs grill charity watchdog that has been critical of WE Charity during latest committee meeting

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Suggested Reading

Rhetoric and vitriol

Taking advantage of the media spotlight to promote her own brand
Charity Intelligence’s Board Chair a major donor to the Conservative Party of Canada

Charity Intelligence board chair Graeme Hepburn is a major donor to the Conservative Party, making 56 separate donations to the Conservative Party/candidates totaling over $44,000 and actively hosting fundraisers for Conservative Party members at his home, including former provincial leader Tim Hudak. Charity Intelligence did not disclose this information during the parliamentary testimony or as part of their attacks on WE Charity in Canada. The following image, publicly available from Elections Canada, confirms Graeme Hepburn's significant financial support of and direct ties to the Conservative Party.

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Indirect ties to the Conservative Party of Canada through the Board Chair’s wife

Graeme Hepburn’s wife Claudia Hepburn is also a financial supporter of the Conservative Party of Canada, donating $24,000 to the party over the years. Claudia Hepburn is the CEO of a charity called Windmill Microlending, which has $5M a year in revenue. It is worth noting that Charity Intelligence has not conducted an analysis of that charity. Claudia Hepburn is also the former Director of right-wing think tank Fraser Institute. The following image illustrates once again Charity Intelligence’s direct and indirect financial ties to the Conservative Party of Canada through Board Chair Graeme Hepburn and his wife Claudia.

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Kate Bahen’s undisclosed financial ties to the Conservative Party of Canada

Kate Bahen and Charity Intelligence actively supported and amplified the rhetoric of the Conservative Party of Canada to take down WE Charity in Canada. At the request of members of the Finance Committee, including members of the Conservative Party, Kate Bahen testified in front of a parliamentary committee on the issue, but failed to disclose her direct affiliation with the Conservative Party as a active donor. The following image, publicly available from Elections Canada, confirms Kate Bahen's financial support of the Conservative Party.

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Using media attention to raise Charity Intelligence’s profile

Kate Bahen's attacks on WE Charity Canada and its cofounders were unrelenting, motivated by the opportunity to exploit the issue to garner media attention for herself and her organization, Charity Intelligence. Kate Bahen and Charity Intelligence appeared in hundreds of news stories over the summer of 2020. This tweet is just one example of her personalizing her attacks against WE Charity cofounders, Marc and Craig Kielburger. In this case, it was before Marc and Craig Kielburger appeared in front of a parliamentary hearing. Kate Bahen mockingly referred to this moment as "burger time".

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Kate Bahen’s dishonest, self-serving actions and WE Charity’s response

Ironically, Charlie Angus claims that Pierre Poilievre would do anything for short-term gain, showing great disdain towards him and his policies. Charlie Angus and Pierre Poilievre later teamed up as two prominent political figures alongside journalists to destroy WE Charity in Canada with political grandstanding and dishonest conduct.

This Tweet is demonstrative of the language and approach Charlie Angus uses as an elected official. He is prone to using profanity and demonstrating emotional instability in public communications, often on his official Twitter page.

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See what Canadians are saying

What WE Lost tells the full story behind Kate Bahen from Charity Intelligence's undisclosed affiliations with the Conservative Party of Canada and her false commentary on WE Charity’s finances for Charity Intelligence’s financial gain.

Listen to Martin Luther King III speak about Kate Bahen and Charity Intelligence’s lack of qualifications and flawed findings, which became the basis for media and political attacks against WE Charity.

Read excerpts from What WE Lost or order your copy below

Chapter 7: Piling On