An independent voice and critic of the WE Charity Scandal.

Dr Mark Bourrie holding an award

Dr. Bourrie (Ph.D., JD) has written and spoken out publicly about the “opportunistic opposition MPs and a reckless desperate media drummed up the bogus WE Charity scandal”.

Mark Bourrie is a Canadian journalist, lawyer and award winning author. Mark Bourrie, PhD (History) has been a member of the Parliamentary Press Gallery since 1994. He previously taught media history and journalism at Concordia University. Mark is the author of 13 best-selling books including the RBC Taylor Prize-winning Bush Runner: The Adventures of Pierre Radisson. The Taylor Prize is Canada’s most important nonfiction award for writing. His book, Kill the Messenger: Stephen Harper’s Assault on Your Right to Know, was a Globe and Mail Top 100 book of the year.

Dr. Mark Bourrie's academic writing has been published in Canada and The Second World War: Essays in Honour of Terry Copp the Global Media Journal and the Canadian Journal of Communication. Dr. Bourrie has won several major media awards, including a National Magazine Award, and has been nominated for several others. His academic writing has been published in Canada and The Second World War: Essays in Honour of Terry Copp (Geoff Hayes et al, eds, Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2012), the Global Media Journal and the Canadian Journal of Communication. His journalism has appeared in the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, the National Post, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, and most of the country’s major newspapers and several magazines including Toronto Life and Ottawa Magazine. He is also a consultant on propaganda and censorship at the Canadian Forces Public Affairs School.

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Dr. Bourrie is a well-known media critic who provides commentary on a range of media-related topics.

He has authored and posted articles on his website covering various topics including Canadian media, government and current events. Among the topics he covers is WE Charity, with a specific focus on Jesse Brown's harassment of the charity, as well as Tawfiq Rangwala's recent book What WE Lost.

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